About Us

Tony Dick Wilson is a 22-year-old junior manager who enjoys theatre, binge-watching boxed sets and jigsaw puzzles. He is stable and energetic, but can also be very greedy and a bit standoffish.

He is Scottish who defines himself as bisexual. He has a degree in business studies. He is allergic to peanuts. He has a severe phobia of mice

Physically, Tony is in pretty good shape. He is short with brown skin, brown hair and brown eyes.

He grew up in an upper class neighbourhood. He was raised in a happy family home with two loving parents.

He is currently single. His most recent romance was with a personal trainer called Cora Kane Kemp, who was 19 years older than him. They broke up because Cora felt Tony was too busy for the relationship.

Tony’s best friend is a junior manager called Juan Driscoll. They get on well most of the time. He also hangs around with Maisie Davison and Elliott Lambert. They enjoy extreme ironing together.